Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oil,Oil Everywhere

The tragic accident on the drilling rig in The Gulf of Mexico resulted in the death of 11 people.

In addition there were many injured. The news reminds us everyday that the oil continues to leak into the gulf at a rate of 210,000 gallons per day.

Below is a series of questions related to the spill. Use the Internet to find the answers and post them to me as a comment.
1. How many barrels per day is 210,000 gallons per day?
2. Find the price of oil and calculate how much money is being lost per day.
3. What other items come into barrels?

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Golden Ratio

Artists have used the Golden Ratio as a tool to create works of art. Spiral like the one above is used in a variety of settings to create designs that are pleasing to the human eye.Your task today is to find an article on the Golden Ratio and write one paragraph describing what you think it is.
Send your paragraph to me as a comment.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spatial Relations

There is a tool in Geometry called Pentominoes; they are used to develop our sense of spatialrelations. The link at the right will bring you to a set of Pentominoes you can use online. Take thepieces and make the following shapes:1. A rectangle with three pieces.2. A rectangle with six pieces.3. A square with any number of pieces.Call me when you are done with each problem.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hit the Easy Button

The Internet gives us many tools to help us with learning Mathematics. Today we are
going to solving equations with an online tool. Click on the link to the right that says:
Algebra Tool, practice a few equations, and put an example in the comment link.